Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Control in an Uncontrollable World

I don't think it is a big secret to most people that know me, I am a control freak. If you were to ask my husband he would give you an answer like "you're kidding right?" Well at least I can admit it.

Part of the reason I try so hard to control things is because so much in my life is so far out of it. It may be the reason I do many of the things I do. It may be the reason I don't eat chocolate or why I am a vegetarian. Knowing that I can choose to not eat something and then don't. Maybe it is the reason I do so much hot yoga. I can control my body and perfect my practice. At least these things are all good for me but as you see they allow me to control my health, weight, and diet.

With that said there are many times I have to give up control. Especially when it comes to my son. His illnesses and disabilities leave me not only without control but helpless sometimes like when he has a seizure or becomes suddenly ill.

So here I am a wannabe control freak in an uncontrollable world but even though that might be the case I do have two things: hope and a sense of humor.

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