Friday, February 26, 2010

The Mystery

As some of you know I have been dealing with this mystery rash on Aidan's face for quite a while. I was so excited last week when he actually got a diagnosis, even though it was eczema, because I was armed with two new creams that would hopefully make it go away. So imagine my disappointment when as the week went on it seemed to get worse and worse. I was receiving all kinds of advice from fellow eczema sufferers like "try Aveeno body wash" or "ask the doctor for a different cream" but nothing seemed to work.

Yesterday evening we returned to the Dermatologist. As we were sitting in the waiting room his face became darker and darker red. When the doctor came in he looked at Aidan and asked me if I was using the creams. I told him I was but that his skin seemed worse. He took a closer look and I asked him if he still thought it was eczema to which he responded, "no I don't." He looked over to where I was sitting and saw the medications I was drawing up for Aidan. And then he asked, "he is on seizure meds, right?" I said "yes he is." He went on to tell me that some seizure medications can cause allergic rashes and the fact that the rash was photosensitive made him believe that is what was happening. He said that as Aidan sat there his face was getting redder but the covered parts of his body had a much lesser rash and few rashes are photosensitive. He gave me an oil to put on the rash and told me to talk to our neurologist. He was reluctant to prescribe a steroid because of the number of meds he was already on.

On the way home I called our neurologist and updated her. She said "don't give him anymore." Unfortunately I had given him his 6pm dose already so I asked her if there were any scary side effects and she said there could be. She wanted to know if he had prescribed anything. I told her what he said about Aidan having so many drugs already. She told me to call him and get a steroid right away.

I called back to the office and luckily they were still there and able to call in a prescription. We picked it up last night and started Aidan on it. This should ensure us that his throat will stay open during this transition time; however, I have to say last night was not the best sleep I have ever had. Every little noise I heard made me think he was in danger.

I think everyone was where they were suppose to be last night. First, the doctor was out of the office on Tuesday and Wednesday so they were behind schedule making it necessary for me to prepare Aidan's 6pm medications in the office while I was waiting. Second, his neurologist answered her cell phone when I called and third, they wouldn't normally be there at 7:30pm when I called back a little while after I left the office. I like when all the players are in place, don't you?

I took Aidan to school this morning, minus one seizure drug. He seemed happy but he was showing signs of sleepiness. I explained the situation to his aide and told him to call me if anything seemed strange or concerned them. The only thing left is to wait and see. I am hoping that the thoughts and prayers being sent from across the country will help and that the seizures stay away until we can determine whether or not the Lamictal was the culprit after all.


  1. Aidan is always in our thoughts and prayers!

    Is Aidan on any anti-seizure meds now? I didn't think you could stop taking them suddenly.

    I understand the sleepless night! Samantha didn't get all her meds one night last week and I was worried all night she'd have a seizure while she was sleeping and I wouldn't know it!

    Hope you get some good sleep now!

  2. Thx Bonnie, yes he still has Topamax and Keppra. The doctor said I had to stop it suddenly because of the risk but that the other two drugs are good ones and maybe he won't have a seizure. I said OK we can hope for that!

    I am a little afraid of what the weekend will bring :(
