Monday, May 17, 2010

Birthdays and Miracles

A birthday is a joyous occasion filled with balloons, presents, and birthday cakes. It is a celebration of life and should not to be taken lightly. In fact, for a child like mine each birthday is a miracle.

At 2:19 P.M. on May 18th Aidan Joseph Yap will celebrate his 7th birthday. This is a major milestone for a child, delivered by emergency c-section, 15 weeks early, and weighing a mere 1 lb 11 ounces. A child whose heart stopped 3 times, had a brain hemorrhage, and was on oxygen for his first year of life. One that has overcome 17 surgeries for his brain, eyes, throat, heart, stomach, intestines, hips, and legs.

This year his birthday also marks 4 seizure-free months. I am thankful every day that I can say that because we have run the gamut of weekly seizures, bi-weekly seizures, and monthly seizures. At one point his neurologist said that was probably the best outcome possible. Then when he had an allergic reaction and we were forced to take him off one of his medications, the seizures stopped! I am going to say, "at least for now" because God knows I don't take these 4 months for granted.

In closing, I want to say happy birthday Aidan. I love you so much sometimes it physically hurts, I am a better person for having you and knowing you, and I hope this birthday brings you another year of health and happiness.

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