Friday, April 9, 2010

Vacation of Observation

What happens when you finally have a minute to think about nothing? To sit and stare out the window? Be alone with your thoughts? For me, I had a vacation of observation.

On the drive to Las Vegas from our home in So Cal I had the opportunity to thing about nothing special. That alone is miraculous but I guess that is the reason to take a vacation. It doesn't happen often for us or very long but it did this week. It is very hard to keep Aidan away from therapy and Kayla from her dance classes but we did it. Probably not so much for them but for me.

As we drove through the Mohave Desert I was looking around. When I spotted a billboard for Vegas I had the most random thought. I remembered planning a bachelorette party. It was myself and three other girls planning it. I was the only one not married or pregnant and I remember thinking how I was so far behind. I was only 25 years old and it was another 10 years before I was a happily married mom. Looking back I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Then I had a memory of my great-grandmother, Granny, and my great-aunt, Auntie. (I know original but that is what we call them.) I saw a hill covered in a light green moss and it reminded me of a pastry they used to make called, a bird's nest. It was phylo dough wrapped in a circle, stuffed with crushed walnuts and topped with crushed pistachio nuts. Think of it as a Lebanese version of baklava. I haven't had one in years but the green on the hill reminded me of the green pistachio nuts on top of the dessert and I could still taste it, yum.

It didn't stop there. I have had random childhood, high school, and college thoughts about people I haven't talked to or seen in so long. OK, well maybe that one can be blamed on Facebook, right?

Anyway, now back to my family vacation. We are off to Circus Circus to let the kids play the games and then we are having lunch with an old friend. Someone I worked with back when I was a teenager in Massachusetts. I am really looking forward to talking to him and having a few more memories.

Hugs to my friends and followers!

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