Thursday, October 28, 2010

Counting Blessings

Some have been big and some small. Some personal while others very public. But regardless of how I have experienced these, "blessings" or "miracles" in my life, each one reminds me I am not alone, I have friends and I am loved.

Over the years amazing people have reached out to me. I will never forget that first day, in May 2003, when through an awful turn of events our son Aidan ended up in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach, CA. I had complications with my pregnancy and he was born a 25-week preemie. The severity of his medical condition required him to be transferred to Long Beach from Torrance within the first two hours of his life. I wasn't able to transfer with him. He was in critical condition and alone.

When I did finally arrive at the NICU, so many things were overwhelming. Thankfully, in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty one thing was obvious. We were not alone. What seemed like the entire Long Beach Police Department was there. Supporting us, praying with us, helping us and even giving blood for Aidan.

Imagine my shock when just 3 years later I arrived back to the same medical campus, but this time for my husband Abe. This was different. It was chaos. I arrived by police car and rushed to the emergency room doors. I will never forget as they tried to keep me back. They wanted to talk to me and I needed to see him. Anyone that knows me, knows better. I am a determined girl when I want to be and I was going in.

For the next 16 days there was a constant outpouring from family, friends, fellow officers, medical personnel, the public and government officials. They made sure I was fed, my kids were cared for, Abe received the highest level of care and that I got rest when I needed it. They were wonderful and I will be forever grateful.

Amazingly, not much has changed. Last year Aidan needed blood for his surgery and so many people were there. We had enough for him and were able to donate the rest to the blood bank to help so many others. When Aidan has his little successes friends that have never met him are some of the first to congratulate me and say, "This made my day!" And when we have those occasional struggles, the thoughts and prayers help make them a little more bearable.

I would like to close with thanking all my Facebook friends for their enormous love and support today. I am speechless(which is why I write). Some of you are here everyday, but my high school friends and way back work friends are not. And with that said I want to thank you. You are all so thoughtful and such a blessing. Thank you for being part of my life.

Hugs and good night